I spent half an hour tonight writing these nine haikus for National Poetry Day. If you're not familiar with haikus, don't worry. They are a type of poem that originates from Japan consisting of three lines. Traditionally, the first line has five syllables, the second has seven syllables and the third has five syllables. I hope you enjoy them.
What a joy to feel
love without feeling frightened
or overexposed.
What a gift to be
able to speak honestly
with someone who cares.
What sorrow, what rage,
I colour and shape because
it needs to be seen.
What a rarity
feeling vulnerable and safe
What comfort I take
knowing you are there for me—
just in case I fall.
What tranquility
it is to know myself when
I was lost before.
What longings do I
sit with and not act upon
now I know myself?
What stories can I tell
now my tongue is in my mouth
back where it belongs?
What enormity
with a heart that's full of you and
I'm here listening.