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Observe & Describe, Non-Judgmental Stance...

Here are the first three videos of 14 Days of DBT. I hope you enjoy them and find them helpful.

Introduction video

Day 1: Observe & Describe

Day 2: Non-Judgmental Stance

Day 3: Identifying Emotions

Let me know what you think! Hope you join me for day 4 and beyond! I will be publishing the videos over on my YouTube channel.

Useful book about DBT with lots of detail: DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets by Marsha M. Linehan. Guilford Press; 2nd edition (9 Dec. 2014).

If you like what I do, please consider helping me with my running costs by supporting me on Ko-Fi. Your help is much appreciated.


Copyright Rosie Cappuccino 2024

This website does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional for medical advice or mental health support. 

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